Who can help?
All students are expected to accept the opportunity to learn and not distract others from learning. However, not one of us is on our own. At Proserpine State High School, people are available to help. Outside assistance can be recommended if required. Your Care Group teacher is often the first person to approach.
Student Advisory Centre Team
Karen O'Keefe (Guidance Officer)
| Monday to Friday
Leanne Farr (Guidance Officer)
| Wednesday & Friday
Karen Dachs (School Based Youth Health Nurse)
| Monday, Tuesday alt Wednesday
Brad Smith (Youth Support Coordinator)
| Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
Alysha Lee (Student Welfare Officer)
| Wednesday & Thursday
Chris Lane, Shane O'Keefe and Cathy Muller, Ro Robertson (Behaviour Support
| Monday to Friday |
Arthur Gabey (Community Education Counsellor)
| Tuesday & Thursday
Toni Akehurst (Transition Pathways Officer)
| Monday & Friday
Harassment (Verbal or Physical) | Year Co-ordinator/s, Care Group Teachers, Administration or Behaviour Support Teachers. |
Personal Counselling | Guidance Officer, Youth Support Co-ordinator or Student Welfare Officer. School Based Youth Health Nurse, Guidance Officer, Behaviour Support Teachers, Student Welfare Officer, Youth Support Co-ordinator, Year Co-ordinator/s or a teacher with whom you feel secure. |
Sexual Harassment | The school has people trained to help in this area: Mrs O'Keefe, Mrs Farr and Mr Oliver.
Study and Organisational Skills | Heads of Department, Year Co-ordinator/s, Youth Support Co-ordinator, Student Welfare Officer, or Behaviour Support Teachers. |
Career Advice | Guidance Officer. Support and referrals: Transition Pathways Officer. |
Health Advice: physical, emotional or mental | School Based Youth Health Nurse. Youth Support Coordinator. Your school nurse is someone you can talk to in private about relationships, help with health information, health, eating and exercise, feeling unhappy, sexual health, smoking, alcohol and other drugs, stress, puberty. |
Remember, you are not alone, your friends, parents, Care Group Teachers, Year Co-ordinator/s, Behaviour Support Teachers, Guidance Officer or Deputy Principals are available to assist you. Students are encouraged to “stand up” against bullying by reporting anonymously incidents of harassment, harm and bullying they witness via
STYMIE website External link.