Our P&C has an important job to do and we would love you to be part of it!
The Proserpine State High School has an active and enthusiastic Parents and Citizen’s Association. P&C Associations are an essential part of the school and membership is open to any adult who wants to contribute to the school, including parents of children attending the school, the school's teachers and staff, and interested people in the wider community.
2024 P&C Executive Committee
President: Natalie Stuchbree
Vice-President: Emma Fuller
Secretary: Jacqui Watson
Treasurer: Stephanie Nuske-Neal
Student Representative: Karen Dachs
Canteen Convenor: Michelle Milne
Contact: pandc@proserpineshs.eq.edu.au
Why join the P&C?
It is a great way of keeping informed about school activities and participating in school events. P&C Associations create a strong sense of community and generate positive outcomes for the school, contributing to the wider school community and the education of your child.
Research shows that parents who are engaged in their child's education make a significant contribution to the child's success at school.
Aim of the P&C
- To support students to have the best learning experience whilst at Proserpine State High School
- To encourage close cooperation among parents, pupils, teaching staff and the community
- Provide feedback on school policies and activities
- Provide a canteen service in the school
- Engage in future school planning processes
- Provide additional resources to enhance student learning and improve the school environment
- Provide opportunities for parents to be involved in their child's education and broader school community.
P&Cs Qld is the peak body supporting and representing more than 576,000 state school parents and wider school communities throughout Queensland. We support the achievement of quality educational outcomes for students through fostering parental and community engagement in a thriving and successful education system. Through our state-wide network of over 1200 P&C Associations and School Councils, we have the localised presence and voice to lead and enact change.
Our Parent Talk magazine is a parent focused publication and published on a quarterly basis. It is circulated throughout Queensland state schools and P&Cs as a resource to provide parents and school communities with regular news and information on a wide range of topics relevant to parenting and education. Research confirms that where parents and community are engaged in their children’s education the outcomes vastly increase. Help us ensure Every Child has Every Chance to a successful education.
All editions of Parent Talk can be viewed