Dedicated Careers Information
We are excited to launch our dedicated Careers website this year. Click the following link to find valuable information that will help your child make decisions about their future career and life beyond school.
Proserpine State High School Careers Website
Meet our Senior Schooling Team
We are proud to have a dedicated Senior Schooling Team at Proserpine State High School to assist your child with their study and career options.
Shirley Holcombe - Deputy Principal Senior Schooling
Hi all, I am Shirley Holcombe and I look after our Year 10, 11 and 12 students. I take great pride in preparing and supporting our emerging adults to be ready for their future. I work with them at a transition point from school to further education, training and employment that works best for them as an individual.
I work with a remarkable team of dedicated staff who are consistently sourcing and providing amazing opportunities to ensure every student has a value-added learning journey through their senior schooling years that lead to meaningful post-school pathways.
I can be contacted via email -
Karen O'Keefe - Guidance Officer
Hi, I am Karen O'Keefe and I am the Guidance Officer at Proserpine State High School. I have been working as a Guidance Officer for 15 years and am passionate about supporting young people reaching their goals at school and beyond.
I believe it is important to do what you love and everybody can reach their goals if they work at it. Some paths may be the direct route, while others may take some detours. If you believe it and want it, I can help you map out a pathway. Not knowing what you want to do beyond school is okay, and we are all on a journey of life.
I can be contacted via email -
Rebecca Watts - Head of Department - Senior School
Hello! I'm Bec Watts, Head of Department for Senior School at Proserpine State High School. In my role, I am dedicated to supporting students in achieving success during their crucial senior years of 11 and 12.
Whether students are pursuing higher education, vocational training, or entering the workforce, I am committed to guiding them towards their goals and helping them navigate their chosen pathways with confidence and competence.
I can be contacted via email -
Jessica Dray - Head of Department - Transition and Pathways
Hi, my name is Jessica Dray and I am the Head of Department for Transition and Pathways. My key roles include Year 10 student management, looking after our School-based Apprentice and Traineeship (SATs) Program, Career Education and Work Experience. I am located in the upstairs K Block Staffroom.
I can be contacted via email -
Bernadette Porter - Senior Schooling Officer
Hi, I'm Bernie Porter our Senior Schooling Officer at Proserpine State High School. I am passionate about helping senior students navigate their pathway. I work closely with students, industry partners, and external organisations to provide valuable information, knowledge, and hands-on experiences that empower students to make informed decisions about their future. I love being part of this journey and supporting young people as they take their next steps.
I can be contacted via email -
Shelley Simpson - Link and Launch Coordinator
Hi, I'm Shelley Simpson and I love working with our senior students to assist them in finding opportunities and experiences that will help them navigate their dream pathway! I work with Mrs Porter to assist students in the areas of work experience, industry opportunities and SATs. I love this role and thoroughly enjoy meeting our students.
I also work with our Year 12 graduates in the Link and Launch Program. This role is a natural extension of my passion for careers and opportunities where I support our graduates to take that first step into life after school. I look forward to meeting you.
I can be contacted via email -